Category: Uncategorized

  • The Insanity of Gun Violence

    There is a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Some have critiqued writers who have overused this cliche while still hoping to appear as being insightful to their readers. And yet in times like these, what more are we left with? It has happened…

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  • When Discernment Looks Like Dissent

    In his book Integrity, Stephan L. Carter explores the topic of integrity and what it might mean for an individual to act with integrity. Carter’s definition, which is deceptively simple, is that integrity is an action that requires three distinct steps. The first step, which I will paraphrase, is to discern a well-informed stance or belief. The second step is to…

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  • The Future is What We Create

    As if she has grown restless and feels the urgency to make her point, Mother Earth has forcefully besieged the United States in what I can only describe as a climate change truther campaign. Parched and sun-baked forests in the west are no match for the flames of fire. Storms fueled by warm ocean water…

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  • Building Relationships Online, Offline, or Both?

    This is a piece that I wrote for The Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) Blog that was originally posted on January 2, 2012. The CRG recently announced that it will be closing and that some of its materials will be managed by either The Alban Institute or The Indianapolis Center for Congregations. Given the uncertainty of how or when…

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  • Minding the Mission by Being Relational on Social Mediae

    This is a piece that I wrote for The Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) Blog that was originally posted on December 14, 2011. The CRG recently announced that it will be closing and that some of its materials will be managed by either The Alban Institute or The Indianapolis Center for Congregations. Given the uncertainty of how or when…

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  • Framing Relationships Online

    This is a piece that I wrote for The Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) Blog that was originally posted on November 17, 2011. The CRG recently announced that it will be closing and that some of its materials will be managed by either The Alban Institute or The Indianapolis Center for Congregations. Given the uncertainty of how or when…

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  • Managing Safe and Secure Congregational Computer Networks

    This is a piece that I wrote for The Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) Blog that was originally posted on October 10, 2011. The CRG recently announced that it will be closing and that some of its materials will be managed by either The Alban Institute or The Indianapolis Center for Congregations. Given the uncertainty of how or when…

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  • Public Leader: Now More Than Ever

    This is a piece that I wrote for The Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) Blog that was originally posted on August 15, 2011. The CRG recently announced that it will be closing and that some of its materials will be managed by either The Alban Institute or The Indianapolis Center for Congregations. Given the uncertainty of how or when…

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